HPA 2300 mesh-hot carrier diode sold to Jet Propulsion Laboratory for use in the Mariner space probe project."Management is getting things done through people." Post script on Packard returning from Washington. Letter about key elements in the modular systems promotions program. John Young, Electronic Products Group.Planning process, using bubble charts, company visualization, accounting model.HP 9862 X-Y plotter, HP 7900 disk drive, system/3000, HP 780000 ECG, HP 1530 - computer-aided interpretation, HP-GmbH 78204 - respiration meter (natal care), HP-GmbH 78202 - temperature meter (natal care), HP 4910 open telephone open cable fault locator, HP 5950 ESCA spectrometer, HP 5930A/5932A - mass spectrometer and data system, HP 5700 - gas chromatograph. RF signal generator, HP 1702A, 1703A - portable oscilloscope, HP 5062B - atomic clock, IMPATT diodes, HP5340A - microwave frequency counter - portable measuring system, 10529 logic comparator, HP 1310, 1311A - high-speed graphics display, HP 62000 - modular power supply, HP 3320 frequency oscillator, HP 3800 infrared distance meter, HP 2100 - minicomputer.New products for year HP 35 - calculator, HP 8660A, HP 8660B.